Saturday, June 25, 2011

Truth Be Told

California was meant to be a clean slate, but somehow it has turned into a quicksand nightmare that I can’t seem to pull myself out of. I used to take pride in my ability to think my way through difficult situations, to set my mind to a task and accomplish it. Lately, I can’t seem to do either. And it’s not just hindering my writing, it’s hindering my life. But since this blog is primarily about writing, let’s focus on that, shall we?

When I decided it was time to start work on Voodoo Dolls (yes, I’ve officially released the tittle) I knew I needed a different approach than I took with Phantom Ink. Writing fast and loose was fun, but with every scene so off-the-cuff, I was left with a gigantic editing job. Too gigantic, as it turned out. Lesson learned. So, to avoid the possibility of a major manuscript nip-tuck in the future, I spent a month creating a semi-detailed outline. I broke each chapter down based on main events. Then, I took it a step further, fleshed out characters, strategically placed pivotal plot scenes, and filled in the gaps. When I was finished, I essentially had a complete synopsis. And that’s where progress stopped.

Why, you ask? Good question, one I’ve been kicking around in my head since May. I’ve got a skeletal version of the story just waiting for me to add the flesh, and believe me, I’ve tried… on many occasions. Oh, don’t get me wrong. I’ve written, though, lately I spend more time staring blankly at my computer screen than typing madly on the keyboard. The problem is, when I come to a part that’s not written to my liking I become fixated on it. I run the scene through my head, playing it over and over like a video. I move paragraphs, rearrange sentence structures, change words. Edit. Delete. Undo.

Argh! It’s maddening! Unable to move forward, I eventually just shut down. And I’ve tried everything. From meditation to medication, nothing seems to work. In my last post I said I felt like I’d lost my inspiration. Now I fear I’ve lost so much more than that. I’m afraid I’ve lost faith… in myself.

Not even sure I’m deserving of a pseudonym right now.

P.K. Dawning


Alex O'Rourke said...

This is the best post you’ve made since changing your blog. Now that you’ve identified the problem you can address it. Losing faith is tough, but so are you. I’m confident you’ll find your way, Luv.

P.K. Dawning said...

Thanks, Alex. I think I’ve known the problem for a while, but I’ve been too ashamed to admit it… even to myself. Hopefully you’re right and I’ll be able to move past the issue now that I’ve openly accepted it. Keeping my fingers crossed.

massagegirl said...

Good Girl!! I have found that I write several versions of each scene. The irony is that I must flesh them out on paper. I know! Gasp.. actual paper. Saving each one in its entirety and laying them all out side by side. And somehow these pieces each pop through the ether to coexist and become a cohesive scene. I truly hope that whatever the problem that you have worked it all out. Keep at it P.