When I decided it was time to start work on Voodoo Dolls (yes, I’ve officially released the tittle) I knew I needed a different approach than I took with Phantom Ink. Writing fast and loose was fun, but with every scene so off-the-cuff, I was left with a gigantic editing job. Too gigantic, as it turned out. Lesson learned. So, to avoid the possibility of a major manuscript nip-tuck in the future, I spent a month creating a semi-detailed outline. I broke each chapter down based on main events. Then, I took it a step further, fleshed out characters, strategically placed pivotal plot scenes, and filled in the gaps. When I was finished, I essentially had a complete synopsis. And that’s where progress stopped.
Why, you ask? Good question, one I’ve been kicking around in my head since May. I’ve got a skeletal version of the story just waiting for me to add the flesh, and believe me, I’ve tried… on many occasions. Oh, don’t get me wrong. I’ve written, though, lately I spend more time staring blankly at my computer screen than typing madly on the keyboard. The problem is, when I come to a part that’s not written to my liking I become fixated on it. I run the scene through my head, playing it over and over like a video. I move paragraphs, rearrange sentence structures, change words. Edit. Delete. Undo.
Argh! It’s maddening! Unable to move forward, I eventually just shut down. And I’ve tried everything. From meditation to medication, nothing seems to work. In my last post I said I felt like I’d lost my inspiration. Now I fear I’ve lost so much more than that. I’m afraid I’ve lost faith… in myself.
Not even sure I’m deserving of a pseudonym right now.
P.K. Dawning